A woman’s reward for performing household chores in Ramadan
Is a woman rewarded for the household tasks and duties she performs in Ramadan?
A woman is rewarded for the household duties she performs both in Ramadan and at other times. However, her reward in Ramadan is multiplied because she performs those tasks and duties while enduring the hardship of fasting. It is recommended that a woman intends these duties for the sake of Allah Almighty, as this guarantees a greater reward.
Islamic law encourages women to maintain a balance between religious obligations
Islamic law guides women towards everything that brings them tranquility, affection, happiness, and peace of mind. The basis for this lies in achieving a harmonious balance between fulfilling the religious obligations towards their Lord and obeying their husbands in matters that do not constitute a disobedience to Allah Almighty. It is for this reason that the Sunnah has spoken in the most encouraging way for them to do so. Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “If a woman performs the five [daily] prayers, preserves her chastity, and obeys her husband, it is said to her, ‘Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish’” (Ahmad, al-Tabarani, Ibn Hibban, and al-Bazzar).
A woman’s reward for performing household duties
A woman who fulfills the rights of her Lord and attends to her household responsibilities, seeking reward for it, will not only be rewarded for her efforts but, by the will of Allah, will also attain the reward of those who strive for the sake of Allah Almighty. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that [some] women approached the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and said, “O Messenger of Allah! The men have claimed all the reward by going out to fight for the sake of Allah. What actions can we do to attain the same reward?” He said, “The housework that one of you performs in her home reaps the same reward as that of those who fight in the way of Allah” (Al-Bayhaqi). Although this hadith is classified as weak, it is implemented to promote virtuous actions as is the case in this context.
Multiplication of a woman’s reward
If a woman’s household chores are rewarded in general, they are even more so when she is fasting, given the additional hardship she endures during that time. A woman’s reward in Ramadan is multiplied, reflecting the honor and virtue of the blessed month, as noted by scholars. The renowned Hanbali scholar, al- Rahibani, wrote in Mataleb Uli al-Nuha that rewards and sins are multiplied by virtue of certain blessed locations such as Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and mosques as well as particular blessed times such as Friday, the sacred months, and Ramadan.
The ruling
Based on the above, a woman is rewarded for the household responsibilities she performs both during Ramadan and at other times. However, the reward is multiplied in Ramadan because of the additional hardships she endures when fasting. A woman is advised to engage in her household work during her fast for the sake of Allah Almighty, as this guarantees greater rewards.
And Allah Almighty knows best