Egypt’s Grand Mufti to Reuters: No justification for terror in any religion

In pursuit of his international activity to engage the world's international news to combat radical extremism, Egypt's Grand Mufti, Dr. Shawki Allam, declares in special press statements to Reuters’ news agency that no justification for terror in any religion.
Dr. Shawki unequivocally declared that the terrorists’ justification is nothing more than a hallucination of sick minds. It is a flagrant misreading of both the letter and spirit of the Islamic tradition and an aberration from the long history of Islamic civilization.
From his part, the Grand Mufti stated that we are in an ideological battle against radical extremists who use terror as a weapon to achieve their goals of disrupting global stability and the conscience of the peaceful world. Egypt's Dar al-Ifta, through its takfiri monitoring department, is working hard on dismantling and deconstructing all ideas of extremism propagated by these terrorist groups.
As for Egypt's war to challenge terrorism, Dr. Shawki called upon the international community to support Egypt in its war, " Egypt is in dire need of the world’s support as it fights against the terrorist cancer. In this battle, Egypt is defending not only itself but also humanity against the encroaching danger of extremism", he stated. In the same context, he pointed out that the international community must take measures to shut off terror groups’ financial resources, deny them safe haven and prevent them from further growth.
Dr.Shawki concluded that the time is upon us to take up the challenge of ridding the world of radicalization to save our future from further bloodshed and victims’ families from further sorrow.