The excellence of Hajj and 'Umrah

There are numerous hadiths mentioned on the excellence of hajj and 'umrah. A selection is included under the following:
1- The best kind of jihad
Lady 'A`isha (may God be pleased with her) told the Prophet, "O Messenger of God! We see that jihad is the best deed. Should we not go out for jihad?" He replied, "No, the best jihad is an accepted hajj."1
2- A jihad for those who are unable to undertake it
Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of God said, "’Umrah and hajj are the jihad for the old, young, weak, and women."2
3- Renewal of faith
Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) said, “I heard the Messenger of God say, "Whoever performs hajj and does not commit rafath or fisq, returns (free from sins) as the day on which he was born."3
4- Obliteration of previous sins
'Amr Ibn al-'As (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet told him, "… do you not know that Islam obliterates the sins committed before [embracing it] it, hijrah [emigration from Mecca to al-Medina] obliterates the sins committed before it, and hajj obliterates the sins committed before it?"4
5- The reward of hajj is Paradise
Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of God said, "One 'umrah to the next expiates for the sins committed in between and the reward for an accepted hajj is nothing short of Paradise."5
6- Liberation from Hellfire
Lady 'A`isha (may God be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet said, "There is no day on which God liberates more servants from Hellfire than on the day of 'Arafat."6
7- A shower of Divine mercy
God shames Satan and showers His servants with His mercy. Talha Ibn 'Ubaid narrated that the Prophet said, "There is never a day when Satan is more abased, vanquished, despised or enraged than on the Day of ‘Arafat because, on this day, God's mercy and forgiveness descend upon His servants and obliterates their major sins. This is except from what he [Satan] was shown on the Day of Badr." They [the Companions] asked, "O Messenger of God! What was he shown on the Day of Badr?" He replied, "He saw Gabriel arranging the ranks of the angels (readying them for battle)."7
8- Heavenly praise
Abu Huraira (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of God said, "God Almighty praises the acts of the pilgrims standing at 'Arafat at sunset and tells the Angels, ‘Look at My servants who came to Me, all disheveled and covered with dust."8
9- Du'a`or supplication is answered
Abu Huriara (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of God said, "Pilgrims on hajj and 'umrah are the guests of God. If they supplicate Him, He answers their prayers and if they ask Him for forgiveness, He forgives them."9
10- A great reward for every step
Ibn 'Umar (may God be pleased with them both) narrated that he heard the Prophet say, "Circumambulating this House (the Ka'bah) seven times in the best possible manner is tantamount to manumitting a slave." Ibn 'Umar (may God be pleased with them both) also heard the Prophet say, "With every step, a pilgrim will have one sin forgiven and will earn one reward."10
11- A single prayer is equivalent to thousands
Jabir (may God be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet said, “One prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers elsewhere except for al-Masjid al-Haram, and one prayer in al-Masjid al-Haram is better than a hundred thousand prayers elsewhere.”11
12-The reward of one ‘umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to one hajj
Ibn 'Abbas (may God be pleased with them both) narrated that the Prophet said, "Performing a 'umrah in Ramadan is tantamount to one hajj or one hajj performed with me."12
13-Whoever dies while on hajj will be resurrected chanting the talbiyah
Ibn 'Abbas (may God be pleased with him) narrated that a man fell from his mount while in a state of ihram, broke his neck and died. Thereupon, the Prophet said, "Wash him with water infused with leaves of the lote-tree, shroud him in his two pieces of ihram garments and do not perfume him or cover his head for God will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment chanting the talbiyah."13
1 Recorded by Bukhari (1520, 2784).
2 Recorded by Ahmed (9691) and Al-Nisa`i (2626).
3 Recorded by Bukhari (1521, 1819, 1820) and Muslim (3357, 3358).
4 Recorded by Muslim (336).
5 Recorded by Bukhari (1773) and Muslim (3355).
6 Recorded by Muslim (3354).
7 Malik. Al-Muwatta`, (947).
8 Recorded by Ahmed (7288), Al-Tabarani, Al-Saghir, vol. 1, p. 345.
9 Recorded by Ibn Majah (2892, 2893).
10 Recorded by Al-Tirmidhi (974), Ahmed (5834) and al-Hakim, vol. 1, p. 664).
11 Recorded by Ahmed (15071) and Ibn Majah (1406).
12 Recorded by Bukhari (1782, 1863) and Muslim (3098).
13 Recorded by Bukhari (1256, 1266, 1850) and Muslim (2949, 2952).