20 May 2024

The Hajj of a menstruating woman

My period has become irregular lately, and I might be lucky enough to be called for Hajj this year. If I am fortunate enough and get to go to Hajj this year, and my period starts while I am on pilgrimage, will the Hajj still ...

24 March 2015

Taking financial gifts from non-Muslim parents

Is it permissible for me to take a financial gift or some property from my non-Muslim parents which was recorded in their will? Is it possible for me to be the alternate trustee for my parents’ estate?

03 March 2015

My small son accompanied me on hajj. Is his hajj valid and does it fulfill the obligation?

My small son accompanied me on hajj. Is his hajj valid and does it fulfill the obligation?

25 June 2024

Egypt's Mufti addresses values of peace and constructive dialogue at Intercultural Dialogue Forum's event

Egypt's Grand Mufti, President of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, Dr. Shawki Allam, delivered a speech on Monday at an event organized by the Intercultural Dialogue Forum, affiliated with the Coptic E...